Burrata with Griddled Runner Beans and Pistachio Oil


Serves 4

350g runner beans, trimmed
200g pistachios
1⁄2 -1 jalapeno, deseeded and chopped
1-2 limes
1 tsp cumin, crushed
3 baby gems, cut into wedges

120g burrata
Rocket, to serve



Chargrilling runner beans brings out their sweetness and lends them a beautiful smoky lilt. Pair them with burrata, (or cheat with cheaper mozzarella, jazzed up with crème fraîche, extra virgin olive oil, lemon zest and seasoning) and this delicious, green pistachio sauce that I first tasted at lovely Restaurant Moro. BBQ or griddle the beans just before serving to keep them at their best but you can make the sauce ahead.

Griddle the beans in batches for 3-4 minutes on each side until softening and charred with the chilli. Once the chilli is charred, use a pestle and mortar or a food processor to bash half of it and 75g of the pistachios together to a paste.  Add the juice of a lime. Toast and crush the cumin seeds and add them to the pistachios and season generously with salt and pepper. Bash until you have a smooth paste, then taste and adjust the seasoning with more lime, cumin and salt. Loosen with a few tablespoons of cold water.

Arrange the rocket on a large serving dish. Slice the lettuce into wedges (halves or quarters depending on size) and griddle until charred on all sides. Arrange over the rocket with the beans.  Now tear over the burrata, drizzle with olive oil, season and pour over the pistachio sauce.  Taste, adjust seasoning and serve immediately.


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